Dream of WHOLE USA on fire, GOD will NOT be mocked
My heart and prayers are with those in LA that lost loved ones and their homes in the recent fires. Unfortunately, what happened in LA...
The End Time Army Of King Jesus
My heart and prayers are with those in LA that lost loved ones and their homes in the recent fires. Unfortunately, what happened in LA...
Sorry it's been a while... I was having some tech issues on my end to where I couldn't access the blog. This particular dream is from a...
Had a dream a few months ago telling others that the strong delusion warned about in the Bible is the Alien (fallen angel) reveal. The...
Why & How To Get Saved & Stay Saved https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_j9IUp2oQIiajgWwL6q6R3RDxGIdppNd&si=mlw_d8ctKH9PZDog Prophecy...
Had a dream the other night telling Celestial from "The Masters Voice" channel that her word about 2025 things going bad is confirmation...
The Obama's new Netflix movie "Leave The World Behind" is the definition of predictive programming! Spoiler alert 🚨 in effect. This...
The Days Of Playing Dead Church are OVER. We are literally in the 4th quarter of the last days before Jesus Christ's return! I had a...
Dreamt this past week of a military guy that gave a presentation of the Atlantic coast and parts the south U.S. flooding. It reminded me...
I had a dream on 12-28-21 about people driving and would stop at the last second before they crashed. They would then urgently reach for...
Have had several prophetic dreams concerning destruction/judgement coming to Mystery Babylon America. I saw NYC flooding up to 2 stories...
I heard bluntly in a dream from the Lord Jesus, that denominations don’t matter, obedience to the Lord does. With thousands of different...
I had a dream from around 8-8-20 about a huge explosion and meteors. I saw a HUGE explosion 💥 with lots of smoke and I wasn’t sure what...
The Rainbow Warriors prophecy has roots from many Native American tribes. Lakota, Navajo, Hopi, Cree to name a few. The prophecy goes as...
In the 1800’s, Chief Crazyhorse of the Lakota Sioux Tribe prophesied to Sitting Bull days before he died at the hands of General Custer,...
I received a dream that the quantum dot tattoo is the mark of the beast. Upon researching it, indeed it checks all the boxes. And of...
The man of sin, the son of perdition, the man of lawlessness, who commits the abomination (Obamination) of desolation, Barack Hussein...
I’ve been discerning that this was the plan all along when Joe & Co stole the vote. Especially when he began falling upstairs and...
The Bible warns of famines coming in these last days in the book of revelation. The shelves are already becoming more and more empty,...
Had multiple dreams of blackouts coming. I believe one was an EMP scenario. The media has been “prophesying” aka programming the masses...
Saw a dream I was to rebuke Biden and Bushes. Add Clintons and Obamas in the mix. They are all NWO. Was telling Joe to repent and that...